
Wednesday 30 October 2019


On a dark and scary night there was a wolf howling next to a haunted !house. there were bats flying. crows um hmmmm um crows crowing. cat. walking moon rising house spooky and fogey.

Wednesday 23 October 2019


On Monday the 20th of October Miss King said !let's play skipping and we all said !yay for five seconds. So we all played skipping. but there were two types of skipping ropes. One that big ten that were small. The block was into four groups we were using the big rope. And they were using the small ropes. We were having fun playing skipping the bell rang and it was morning tea time.

The Dolphin on the Wall

Friday 18 October 2019

multiples of 3-102

Multiples of three (1-102)

3  6  9  12  15  18 21  24 27 30  33 36  39  42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102


. 29.31 37.41. 71.73.79.


Thursday 17 October 2019

Find&Compare Fractions of a number - GrB (Wed)

The Talent Quest

life's a stage.

On monday the 14th of october 2019.When we heard the bell ring we all lind up and walked to assembly i was wondering what they are going to do.It was dancing i was sitting on the cold ground but it was not cold at all.The teachers was doing a movie i couldn't wait to find out they werked so hard to make a movie.Assembly was over.We all was doing our werk the werk was a storey.Our storeys are going to tern out great i bet.The teachers were amazing at dacing it was beautiful.